What One Thing Could You Do Now for a Life Change?

Making a change in your life can be daunting and seem like it’s impossible to grasp what you really want. Maybe you want to live somewhere new, want a relationship, or a different job.

A good way to start is by thinking about these 3 things:

  • Getting clarity on your purpose in life - What do you love doing? What are you good at? What could you get paid for? How could you serve others?

  • Building on that, what desires do you have in your life? Get creative with all the things big and small. Where do you want to live, what does your ideal day/week look like? What’s your lifestyle look like? How about your financial situation? Who are you with?

  • When you get lost in daydreaming what do you catch yourself thinking about?

Once you have had some time to reflect on the above you will have some ideas in mind. Getting from point A to B may take time but like the saying goes it’s about the “journey not the destination”

So let’s keep it simple.

I’m inviting you to think about what one thing could you do now towards your dream/vision or goal?

  • What’s the ONE big focus area for this week?

  • What 1-3 goals underpin you getting there?

  • What action can you take today to achieve this goal?

Here’s an example:

I was speaking to a client that would LOVE to open a horse sanctuary but currently works as a PA for a company. She loves horses and would serve them by rescuing them, and this is her desire in life. The idea of opening a sanctuary and all the steps involved might seem daunting when thinking about it as a full project. So let’s break it down into simple steps to break it down.

FOCUS – Get some experience at a sanctuary.

GOALS – Help out at a sanctuary and see what’s involved. Then, start to ask questions there about what’s involved to start to make a plan.

ACTION - Find a horse sanctuary where she can spend a weekend or day at to immerse herself in the environment and book this in.

I’m always a big believer that one should also prototype one’s dream or vision before taking the big leap. The dream may, or may not, be more of a fantasy in one’s head than a dream, therefore it’s best to trial it first.

Once you are comfortable with the above you can use these prompts to create longer-term, aligned goals:

  • What 10 steps can you take towards creating your aligned intentions for your life or career?

  • What goals can you set for the next 90 days? These are your priorities areas aligned to your bigger vision. Then further narrowing down, what are your 30-day goals?

  • How will you celebrate and reward yourself when you reach your big goals, your 90 and your 30-day goals? Celebrating is not only fun but a big motivator for keeping on track and smashing your goals!

Need help creating intentions and setting goals? I’m here to help you!

If you’re ready to make a change in your life or career then I’d love to chat and help you on your journey.

Send me an email at hello@coachingbysusanna.com to book in a complimentary connection call today.


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