Creating What You Want In Your Life - Through Clarity and Beliefs

Feeling lost in your life can be frustrating, overwhelming, and let’s be honest pretty exhausting. 

But the good news is, you don't have to stay stuck in that place forever!

There are two things that are typically lying between you today and your future self:

1. Clarity about what you want
2. Your beliefs

I truly believe that when you have a clear understanding of what you desire and want, and what beliefs you hold that are limiting or holding you back, you can create an aligned life or career. And it’s scientifically proven through neuroscience and quantum physics, but let’s leave that for another day ;)

Starting with getting clarity requires a bit of work - through reflection, self-awareness, and a willingness to be honest with yourself about what you desire in your life. Techniques such as journaling, exercises to obtain clarity such as ‘your ideal day’, vision boards and many others, or in working with a coach that will guide you and hold up a mirror to help you go inwards to discover your true passions and desires in life, can aid in giving you clarity about what you want in your life or career.

Once you have clarity, the next step is getting awareness about what beliefs you hold. These beliefs can be positive or negative. What we want to understand are what negative, or limiting beliefs, are holding you back from realising your desired outcome(s).

Your beliefs are based on experiences, childhood imprints, what your parents and society have taught you, that over time you become to believe these to be true. Beliefs can be positive and support you in your life, like what is good for you (i.e. nourishing your body with food everyday and doing regular exercise is good for you), or they can be limiting such as you’re not good enough, you aren’t capable, you don’t have the knowledge or money to do be able to buy your dream home.

But here’s the thing, these are ‘limiting beliefs’. Beliefs that are holding you back from living your ideal life or creating a reality in your life. 

A useful exercise is to list down what limiting beliefs you have in relation to one of your key desires in life. Where has that belief stemmed from? 

Once you have listed your limiting beliefs reframe them into a positive affirmation statement. For example; “I am capable”, “I can do it”, “I am worthy”. 

State these affirmations to yourself on a daily basis. Preferably in the morning and evening when your brain is more susceptible to reprogramming and changing your beliefs.

If getting clarity on what your dreams are and how to work through fears, doubts or limiting beliefs, whether in your professional life or your lifestyle in general, is a priority and you would like support in this area send me an email on to schedule in a complimentary connection call to determine if I can support you.


What Do and Don’t you Want


Make Aligned Life or Career Decisions Based on Your Values