Resting Is The New ‘Doing’ - To Really Get Ahead This Year

Part #1

Ok hear me out…

It’s the start of the year and everyone’s revving to go, right? Well not exactly. If you took time off during the Christmas break and rested then maybe.

But likely, like me, it either involved drinking, eating maybe a wee too much, travelling somewhere warm and exotic to escape the winter chill, or diving straight into the icy alps to ski - whilst tiring yourself out in getting there with long flights and timezone changes messing with your circadian rhythm.

Fast forward the holiday is over, the new year started and you’re feeling flat, to say the least.

That was me a week ago and I’m still coming out of it.

This was my experience…

I’ve been between Thailand and Singapore for the past 6 weeks after leaving London at the end of November, and Mexico shortly before that. Since being in Thailand I've been bouncing between retreats (I told you I love a retreat!) and accommodations, experiencing sights and sounds and indulging a little bit here and there with festive meals and a few drinks ;)

But I realised the effects of last year and all the change came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks as soon as I allowed my body to slow down and recharge.

I started a juice cleanse last weekend and almost immediately fell sick, quite literally - this was followed by a high fever (detoxing in action!), low energy and headaches. My body completely crashed energetically which forced me to sleep -ALOT! In hindsight this was bliss! I had been craving sleep for a while so this was the universe hitting me with ALL the sleep. My body succumbing to repairing and healing itself. We sometimes don't realise how much healing and repairing the body needs from the inside until we actually STOP, huh?

In some ways, I struggled with being ‘offline’ at the beginning of the year (or most times tbh!) when it felt like everyone was ‘online’ and revving to go. In my mind, I was craving to get back on the horse and workout, but my body was saying NO. I felt energetically depleted.

I decided to surrender and allow myself to sleep and repair. Despite seeing everyone around me being active, working out and doing all the things - we’re staying at a fitness retreat as we speak so it wasn’t ‘easy’. But I reminded myself of how much I had been yearning for sleep and within the internal struggle I felt immense gratitude for being forced into 5 days of R&R.

It felt AMAZING!

I mean who doesn’t love a good ol sleep :)

The lesson and takeaway, as obvious as it sounds, was to listen to my body. To TRULY to listen and give myself permission to rest and rejuvenate. To detach from work and pressures when your body is signalling it needs rest. There was no point trying to energetically push for things to work (and coincidentally this reflected in my work and business anyway as things weren’t flowing).

The biggest takeaway from this was to give myself permission to do nothing, which can be difficult for anyone who’s a natural go-getter and constantly feels the need to 'do'.

My energy is my #1 asset and balancing my energy is imperative.

If this resonates and you feel like your body is exhausted, or things are flowing in your life or business because you’re tired and can’t put the effort in, then this is your invitation to take a break. A real break.

Not going on holiday somewhere and partying all night, working out until you’re exhausted because you feel guilty for packing on a few pounds after the festive period (allow yourself to enjoy that time) or working whilst you think you’re ‘taking a break’. Really give yourself an opportunity to switch off. Sleep in a little longer. Switch the alarm off. Try a 24-36 hour fast or juice cleanse to rest your body. Get off the caffeine and/or alcohol for a bit - even if it’s for a few days. Maybe journal for a few minutes every day or pick up a creative hobby that feels relaxing.

>>> And enjoy!

I promise you you’ll come out of it feeling more energised and ready for the year than before.

If you’re struggling with your mental well-being or energy, drop me a line or schedule in a complimentary call so I can talk you through how I’ve managed mental well-being over the years and how I can support you to feel happier and more balanced this year.


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