The ‘Coaching by Susanna’ Blog
Articles and tips to create the life and career you love - aligned to who you are!
Behind The Scenes of a Coaching Transformation
Let me take you behind the scenes and walk you through how transformation occurs with a real-life example.
It Doesn’t Always Have to Take Adversity to Propel You to Make a Change.
It doesn’t always have to take adversity to propel you to make a change.
We don’t have to wait for trauma, the loss of a loved one, a breakup or losing your job to be the only reason to do what you truly love doing.
I’m a big believer that we get to create, and live, our lives - how we WANT to.
Did you know Imposter Syndrome, Perfectionism and Procrastination are all related?
If you’re also naturally a perfectionist, you may also feel the need to excel at what you do, striving for perfection, but because you feel like you’re an ‘imposter’ you doubt yourself and therefore put things off, which is why there can be strong correlation between imposter syndrome and procrastination.
How to Embrace Polarity and Watch Your Professional Journey Flourish!
By having balance and creating polarity i.e. opposing energies between two people, you can create harmonious situations and outcomes in your life, whether that’s romantically or in your career. Here are some ways for you to implement polarity at work.
Transform Your Work Performance With Organisational Coaching
70% of people who experience organisational coaching benefit from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communication skills!
Resting Is The New ‘Doing’ - To Really Get Ahead This Year
My energy is my #1 asset and balancing my energy is imperative.
If this resonates and you feel like your body is exhausted, or things are flowing in your life or business because you’re tired and can’t put the effort in, then this is your invitation to take a break. A real break.
Choosing Your Season in Life
In life there are seasons…
For going inwards, for expanding, focusing on your family or on yourself. You get to choose.
What season are you in now?
What do Luck and Taking Risk have in Common?
Does pure luck really exist ? Or is there more to being lucky in this world?
Designing a Life and Career you Love Starts with Creating a Powerful Vision for your Life
Creating a clear vision for your life is one of the most powerful steps toward achieving your goals and fulfilling your deepest aspirations
Your vision serves as a guiding light, helping you make decisions, set priorities, and stay motivated during both the highs and lows of your journey.
Identity Shifting
It’s an evolution, a growth, peeling the old layers back allowing new layers to emerge, and moving my identity closer in alignment to who I am. A change in the way you see yourself, the world around you and the action of manifesting your desired reality.
Imposter Syndrome and Reframing your Beliefs with Ease
Have you ever felt out of place or not deserving of being in the room, on stage or worthy of a job? You could be suffering from ‘imposter syndrome’.
Why it is Important to Let All Emotions Flow
It is ok, and it is good, to feel all of the emotions. Sit with them, note them down, feel the sadness, anger, frustration or whatever is coming up for you. Let the tears flow if that is what is trying to come out, or safely let your anger out. It’s beneficial in many ways to connect with and process your emotions and here’s why:
How an Awareness of Feminine & Masculine Energy Can Make You More Effective in the Workplace and In Your Personal Life
Do you find yourself getting into conflict with people, either at work or in relationships?
Do you constantly feel like you’re ‘doing’ all of the things but nothing is moving forward? Or you feel burned out and overwhelmed?
You might be living in your overpowering masculine energy.
Read below for my story, what feminine vs masculine energy is and how to balance it out in your life.
Shaping Your Working Day Around When You are Most Productive
Do you get to Monday and think sh*t I’ve got a million things to do, on top of feeling worn out from the weekend (but hey it’s the weekend after all and we’re allowed to let our hair down right?), where do I even start? I’m here to help!
Are you experiencing Burnout or a Social Hangover?
Checking in with how you’re feeling on a regular basis can help to recognise burnout before it takes over your life. Are you exhausted, anxious, drained, unable to sleep or get out of bed? Do you feel unmotivated or feel a lack of energy in your day?
Feeling the pressure from all angles in one's life to constantly be on the go can lead to social burnout.