Are You Having A Mid-Life Crisis or Is It Your Emotions Dictating Your Life?

Spoiler alert - they’re the same thing!

Do you ever wonder what’s a mid life crisis?!

I hadn’t really put much thought into it until I was listening to a Dr Joe Dispenza video (yes you’re going to be hearing a lot about him as we approach his retreat 😅) where he talks about mid life crisis and what it is. 🤔 

So let me break it down for you if you’ve ever wondered what’s it is, am I having one, and most importantly HOW DO I CHANGE the story👇 

In simple terms your past thoughts - dictated by experiences from the past, associated beliefs and emotions - when projected into the future is a MID LIFE CRISIS.

If you’ve ever felt like how am I still in this same job, doing something I don’t love, wondering about what the future could hold yet not knowing where to start - and going around in subconscious thought patterns. Yep that’s a mid life crisis.

So you could say that your PAST is your FUTURE = mid life crisis. 

What this means is your past is creating your future 🤯

Just let that sink in for a second. 

And if you’re stuck in feelings of the past, by blaming you boss, feeling disgruntled about your job, angry at your ex, upset with your mother/father, then you’re projecting these feelings onto the future and feeling ‘in crisis’ that nothing has changed. Make sense?

Because your future will not change if you’re stuck in negative feelings of the past. This is scientific (not me making it up 😆). 

Unless you start feeling differently! 🫣😲

Want a new career? A bigger role? Increased salary? To feel more fulfilled? Better relationships?

Start tuning into your EMOTIONS and FEELINGS 💚

The problem is most people will try to make that ‘feeling’ of unsettling go away with drinking, avoidance, suppressing emotions, dr*gs, because we search for something outside of us to make it better. But your outter environment doesn’t make you happy. Your inner environment does. 

👉How you think, act, feel.

So let me leave you with this.

You don’t need to wait for trauma or havoc to occur to change. To feel like you’re in crisis.

You can change your narrative, your story, your destiny by changing your thoughts, emotions and beliefs TODAY.

Through subconscious rewiring 🧠 

Deep meditation 🧘 

Somatic healing ❤️‍🩹 

If you’d like my help in supporting you on this journey drop me an email on


The Benefits of a Holistic Approach to Coaching: Integrating Somatic Breathwork & Reiki  


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