How an Awareness of Feminine & Masculine Energy Can Make You More Effective in the Workplace and In Your Personal Life

Do you find yourself getting into conflict with people, either at work or in relationships?

Do you constantly feel like you’re ‘doing’ all of the things but nothing is moving forward? Or you feel burned out and overwhelmed?

You might be living in your overpowering masculine energy.

As someone who has been living in her masculine energy for most of her adult life I can relate to the feeling of constantly feeling a need to be ‘doing’ and then feeling burned out, or getting into conflict in relationships, and feeling an imbalance in my life.

I came across masculine and feminine energy a few years ago on my own journey of self growth and feeling like I was hitting repeated patterns in my life.

It’s been life changing in so many ways!

So let’s define what they are

Masculine tends to be the energy around doing, assertiveness, action-oriented, organising, protecting, logical and structure to name a few.

Whereas feminine energy is being, receiving, intuition, listening, creativity, open, and vulnerability.

Both men and women have both energies and neither is good or bad. It’s about an awareness of what they are and balancing the two.

One needs masculine energy to get things done, but equally feminine energy is needed to balance out the masculine; it’s the yin from the yang. We need it to replenish one's energy, and to have down time after all the doing. It's also to be receptive and to create harmony in relationships.

Great Leadership and embracing feminine energy

Some of the greatest leaders in the world are ones that embrace their feminine energy and balance it with the masculine. There is a level of emotional intelligence, or awareness, which by definition encompasses empathy, awareness, communication and listening. Think of Richard Branson, Steven Bartlett, Barrack Obama, Gary Vee etc.

They’re able to get things done and be in their masculine whilst embracing their feminine energy to understand their teams, listen to the challenges that their customers are faving and act with empathy, and communicate from a place of vulnerability.

Relationships and Polarity

In order for relationships to thrive there needs to be polarity between a couple or even with friends or colleagues; it's the yin and yang and balance of feminine and masculine energy. Think of polarity as polar opposites. Like a magnet. One needs north and south energies to connect, to attract each other. It’s the same in relationships.

Often where you find conflict in relationships you'll find two individuals who are heavily in their masculine, or where the women is her masculine, thereby emasculating the man and pushing him into his feminine. This can cause a raft between the two, repelling them further apart leading to both parts feeling like their needs or expectations are not being met.

Where do we go from here?

This may be a lot to take in.

My invitation to you is to take note of where you might be overpowering your energy. Are you living in your masculine more than being in your feminine receptive mode?

Does that change depending on whether you’re at work or in your relationships?

If yes, and you’re hitting against conflict, a mismatch in expectations, and you keep hitting a wall in relationships, try to connect more with your feminine energy. Allow yourself to ‘be’ and to ‘receive’. Listen over doing or asserting yourself. And see how things start to shift for you.

Where can you embrace more of a feminine energy to reduce conflict and a sense of understanding and empathy ?

I’d love to hear whether this was useful and how it impacted your life in any way.

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