Why it is Important to Let All Emotions Flow

Life is not always rosy. And that includes in my own life. Over the past 6 months I have felt all the feels. From excitement, love, and gratitude to the people in my life, to anticipation of starting a new chapter and sadness of leaving things behind. It’s been alot of change but I truly believe it’s through embracing change that the biggest growth and transformation emerges. And through that growth, despair and challenges it’s inevitable that one will feel a plethora of emotions. I remember going through a difficult period last year with my mum's illness and catching myself running from thing to thing and not giving myself the time to sit with my emotions. I remember my therapist at the time reminding me to sit with my emotions. To connect with and feel them.

And so I want to reassure you that it is ok, and it is good, to feel all of the emotions. Sit with them, note them down, feel the sadness, anger, frustration or whatever is coming up for you. Let the tears flow if that is what is trying to come out, or safely let your anger out.

It’s beneficial in many ways to connect with and process your emotions and here’s why:

1. Emotional Processing: Emotions serve as signals from your inner self, indicating your reactions to various situations. By allowing them to flow and acknowledging them, you can process and understand these feelings better. This self-awareness is crucial for personal growth and self-improvement.

2. Stress Reduction: Suppressing or denying your emotions can lead to stress and tension. When you allow yourself to feel and express your emotions, you release pent-up energy and reduce the physiological and psychological stress associated with holding them in.

3. Improved Mental Health: Bottling up emotions can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Expressing and processing emotions can help prevent or alleviate these conditions. It can also make you more resilient in the face of adversity.

4. Stronger Relationships: Being in touch with your emotions allows you to communicate more effectively with others. It enables you to express your needs, feelings, and vulnerabilities, fostering deeper and more meaningful connections in your relationships.

5. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Emotions can provide valuable information about your priorities, values, and needs. When you let them flow, you can better understand what's bothering you and find constructive ways to address issues or make decisions.

6. Increased Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage your emotions and the emotions of others. By embracing your own emotions, you become more attuned to the feelings of others, which can improve your social interactions and empathy.

7. Physical Health Benefits: Unprocessed emotional stress can have negative effects on your physical health, such as compromised immune function and increased risk of chronic diseases. Allowing your emotions to flow and finding healthy ways to cope can contribute to better physical well-being.

8. Creativity and Insight: Emotions can inspire creativity and insight. Many artists, writers, and creators draw on their emotions to create meaningful work. Embracing your emotions can help you tap into your creative and problem-solving abilities. It certainly has with me!

9. Authenticity: Suppressing your emotions can lead to a lack of authenticity, where you present a false version of yourself to the world. Letting your emotions flow allows you to be more authentic and truer to yourself and others.

10. Resilience: Embracing your emotions and learning to cope with them effectively can make you more emotionally resilient. You become better equipped to navigate life's ups and downs, bounce back from setbacks, and adapt to change.

While it's important to allow your emotions to flow and feel them, it's also crucial to do so in a healthy and constructive manner. This might involve seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist or coach. It is also so beneficial to engage in practising mindfulness, journaling, or taking part in activities that help you process and express your feelings. I personally love finding creative hobbies that allow me to have fun and express myself creatively, such as writing, interior design or drawing. Emotions are a natural and essential part of the human experience and embracing them can lead to personal growth and well-being.

So, remember if you’re going through something at the moment, try and feel into the emotions.

Is there something that you’re going through at the moment that’s difficult, challenging and bringing up a strong emotion?

I would invite you to take stock of what the emotion(s) is and sit with it. Write down what you’re feeling. And let it flow…

If you’re struggling with suppressed emotions and that’s affecting and area or multiple areas in your life I would love to speak with you and see how I can support you. Email me directly at hello@coachingbysusanna.com

Much love,



If you don’t process your emotions they can eventually lead to anxiety, depression or disease!


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