If you don’t process your emotions they can eventually lead to anxiety, depression or disease!

Now I realise this might be a bit contentious. But hear me out.

*Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor !

This came up for me because I’ve been getting sick on and off over the past few months. From lower back issues, stomach pain, respiratory issues…

But it was specifically my lower back issues which arose earlier this year shortly after my mother passed away. Now nothing specifically ‘happened’ during this time. I was engaging in lots of physical activity in February in Thailand but I didn’t have an injury per se. My lower back just started to seize up out of the blue, gradually getting worse and worse. No matter what I did from pilates to physios, stretching, massages and all the alternative therapies that I was immersed in in Thailand (I was in the right place for all of it!), nothing really worked.

…Until I came across a Reiki master in Thailand who reminded me of a) the mental story I was telling myself (aka repeating the story of having a back injury and pain which was perpetuating the pain) and b) the trauma from losing my mum which naturally is stored in the body.

Did you know that emotions are ‘energy in motion’. If that energy is not moving through you it becomes trapped. That trapped energy can manifest into disease, physical ailments, anxiety, or depression.

I realised that there have been things I’ve been holding onto. Some consciously but some subconsciously.

The lower back also signifies the root chakra if you’re familiar with the Indian Chakra system. It’s the chakra that refers to stability and grounding. I lost a lot of that with the loss of my mum, from a big career change, moving countries and a stable income. The latter were all my choice and I’m so grateful for this life I live now, but in reflection it’s no wonder I felt this way. It’s taken me several months of reframing my thoughts and the story I’ve been telling myself, to also processing my emotions (I’m still working on some of it!).

How did I do this?

Journaling - writing down the situation that was causing me an emotional reaction. In this case the loss of my mum, moving countries, new job etc.

Reflection - how did it make me feel? Really let pen to paper flow and connect with those emotions. It’s OK to feel angry, sad, or lonely.

Feeling - where in my body do I feel them? Letting my body feel them and letting the emotions out is part of the process. Crying, shouting, or releasing anger in a safe manner can really help.

Breath-work and meditation - these are other powerful methods for connecting with yourself and moving energy through you. For me I use various different approaches from Dr Joe Dispenza, to SOMA breathwork, or box breathing.

Are you suffering from anxiety, a physical issue or an internal allergy that you can’t quite explain?

Try the above methods and let me know they went for you. I’d love to hear if this helped either by reframing the story you’re telling yourself or if this helped heal your body.


IG: @coachingbysusanna


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