Imposter Syndrome and Reframing your Beliefs with Ease

Have you ever felt out of place or not deserving of being in the room, on stage or worthy of a job? You could be suffering from ‘Imposter Syndrome’.

Imposter Syndrome is a common phenomenon that affects individuals across various walks of life, from students to professionals, and even accomplished individuals. The statistics say that over 75% of individuals have faced imposter syndrome at some point in their life.

So what is it?

It's a nagging feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy, where you believe you don't deserve your success or that you'll eventually be exposed as a fraud. Imposter Syndrome often stems from negative self-beliefs and unrealistic expectations. It can be fueled by perfectionism and the fear of failure. Fortunately, Imposter Syndrome is something anyone can manage and overcome with the right mindset and techniques.

Follow these steps to get clear on what it is and reframe imposter syndrome for a healthier and happier life. 

Reframe Your Beliefs:

  1. Acknowledge Your Achievements:
    Start by acknowledging your accomplishments, big or small. Keep a journal or list of your achievements and skills. When you're feeling like an imposter, revisit this list to remind yourself of your capabilities and the hard work you've put in.

  2. Challenge Negative Self-Talk:
    Pay attention to your inner dialogue. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively about your abilities, pause and challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself for evidence to support or contradict your beliefs. Often, you'll find that there's more evidence for your competence than you initially thought.

  3. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity:
    Reframe your view of failure. Instead of seeing it as a reflection of your incompetence, view it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Many successful people have experienced setbacks on their journey to success.

  4. Set Realistic Expectations:
    Be mindful of setting achievable goals and expectations for yourself. Perfectionism often fuels Imposter Syndrome. Understand that it's okay not to be perfect, and nobody expects you to have all the answers all the time.

  5. Seek Feedback and Validation:
    Reach out to mentors, colleagues, or friends for feedback and validation of your skills and accomplishments. Often, external perspectives can help you see your abilities more clearly and diminish feelings of fraudulence.

  6. Celebrate Your Successes:
    Don't downplay your achievements. Celebrate your successes, whether they're big or small. Recognize that you deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

  7. Practice Self-Compassion:
    Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend facing similar challenges. Be gentle with yourself when you make mistakes or face difficulties.

Imposter Syndrome can be a persistent and limiting mindset, but it is possible to reframe your beliefs and overcome it. 

The journey to conquering Imposter Syndrome starts with self-awareness and a commitment to challenging negative self-talk and unrealistic expectations. 

Remember that your achievements are a result of your hard work and abilities, not mere luck. 

By implementing these strategies, you can reframe your beliefs with ease and regain the confidence you need to excel in your endeavours. 

You are not an imposter; you are a capable and deserving individual on your unique path to success!

If importer syndrome is affecting your life or ability to succeed drop me an email - I would love to hear from you and support you in your journey to working through what could be holding you back from flourishing in your career or life!

Much Love, 



Identity Shifting


If you don’t process your emotions they can eventually lead to anxiety, depression or disease!