What is Human Design and How Can you Design Your Life Based on Your chart?

Human Design is a modern system of personality analysis and self-discovery that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the chakra system. It was created in the 1980s by Robert Allan Krakower (who later changed his name to Ra Uru Hu.)

The foundation of Human Design is the concept that each individual is born with a specific energetic blueprint that determines their unique qualities, characteristics, and life purpose. This blueprint is represented in a body graph, which is a visual representation of the individual's energy centres, channels, and gates.

Human Design incorporates four main components:

1. Type: There are five primary types in Human Design: Generator, Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. Each type has its own strategy for making decisions and interacting with the world.

  • Generator - Rise with your desires. You’re a creative force. Dance with life. When you do what you love you create energy.

  • Manifestor - You’re the initiator. The fire starter. You create energy. Don’t wait for others before initiating. Listen to urges and act upon them.

  • Manifesting Generator - A manifestor in waiting. You’re a potential powerhouse and bundle of energy but only after you listen to your gut response. ‘Be in the gap’ before you respond.

  • Projector - You’re all about tweaking and transforming. Make it more efficient. Non ‘energy’ beings. You see things others don’t. Wait for an invitation before you respond.

  • Reflector - Reflectors are the mirrors. A Truth Teller. You perceive the world around you and reflect it back to others. It’s vital for Reflectors to develop self-awareness. Wait for 28 days before making a decision.

2. Authority: Authority refers to the decision-making process within Human Design. It helps individuals identify the most reliable and authentic way to make decisions based on their unique energy centres.

3. Centres: There are nine energy centres in the body graph, each representing different aspects of an individual's personality and energy. The openness or definition of these centres determines how an individual interacts with the world and others.

4. Profiles: Profiles in Human Design are based on the combination of two numbers derived from an individual's birth data. They provide insights into an individual's life path, roles, and relationships with others.

Human Design aims to help individuals understand their authentic selves, make decisions aligned with their true nature, and find their unique purpose in life. It is often used as a tool for self-discovery, personal development, and improving relationships with others.

Human Design is essentially a blueprint of who you are - marrying science and spirituality.

Although the scientific validity of Human Design has not been established, it helps you discover what makes you different from everyone else - and who you really are. This is something I am really passionate about; helping people understand who they are so you can live a life you love.

It offers profound insights into your psychology, along with strategies and techniques for making correct decisions and ultimately leading to a life of more ease and fulfilment.

For me personally, it has given me the knowledge about how to make decisions in my life (gut) and respond to situations with a hell yes/no and what my personality profile is, amongst so many other things.

When I had a reading done for me I had so many light bulbs going off in my head and reminders about how I am meant to make decisions and listen to my body. Ah, that’s right! Based on my chart as a Generator, someone that creates energy when living my design, I am meant to do things that give me satisfaction, big or small. Whether that’s going for walks and listening to podcasts, sound healing classes to bigger things like travelling that light me up! I am here to savour moments of intimacy and create more of these moments in my life, whether in relationships, experiences or with people.

I am also someone that has lots of ideas (gate 11) but shouldn’t necessarily act on all of them - and to be mindful as this comes from an open centre, therefore I am open to external influences from other people or situations.

If you are wondering how a Human Design reading goes, here is an example of a recent one…

We started the session with Lauren’s bodygraph, which you can download for free at www.mybodygraph.com, followed by an open discussion about her intentions and goals. I then used her energy centre type and authority to help her make decisions.

Based on Lauren’s focus we delved into her personality profile and channels which told her a unique story of her blueprint. We closed off the session with what her realisations were and tips for taking this into her daily life.

She gave this feedback:

“My reading with Susanna was so wonderful! She is such a kind and thoughtful soul. I have been familiar with Human Design for a few years, but never really understood much beyond my type. Susanna clarified what my chart really means, and dove deep into my personality type, which was eerily accurate. Beyond all of that, her gift is tying all of the nuances of my chart with my life and how I am meant to show up in the world.”

If you’re interested in a 60-minute reading please get in touch with me, I can’t wait to help you unleash your blueprint of who you are and help you to discover what makes you different from everyone else.

If you’re interested in a human design reading please email me at susanna@thewhoamicoach.com


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