Are you experiencing Burnout or a Social Hangover?

Checking in with how you’re feeling on a regular basis can help to recognise burnout before it takes over your life. Are you exhausted, anxious, drained, unable to sleep or get out of bed? Do you feel unmotivated or feel a lack of energy in your day?

Feeling the pressure from all angles in one's life to constantly be on the go can lead to social burnout. Feeling like you can’t get out of bed, fatigued, drained and having a lack of motivation to do anything are symptoms of what’s called ‘a social hangover’.

What's the difference between having a Social Hangover vs. Burnout?

A social hangover is directly related to and as a result of social pressures, of which one symptom is burnout. As you pile on too many things on your to-do list this can result in burnout. When you feel pressure from friends to constantly go out, travel and do all of these things, whilst working and ‘trying’ to maintain your health, you’re on a sure path towards burnout. The result - you feel the ‘hangover’ of not being able to do anything and constant exhaustion.

What can you do to cure your Social Hangover?

First, it’s taking note of any of the above symptoms; are you feeling overwhelmed, tired, exhausted and drained of energy?

When you’re confronted with a choice of social activities, connect with what you really WANT to do. What does your heart or intuition say? If you don’t want to (and be honest with yourself) and you’re feeling tired/burned out, give yourself permission to say NO. The more you practise saying no, the more empowered you will feel, and liberated of social pressure to always conform. You should start to feel less burned out too!

How can you create better social boundaries, so that you don't suffer from a social hangover so often?

Check-in with yourself and how you feel. What does your intuition say? Do you really want to go? How does your body feel? Stay true to what you desire.

Set weekly intentions and map out what you want your ideal week to look like with clear goals that underpin your intentions. Balance your time intentionally between work, time for yourself, physical movement, and social activities. Stay true to your intentions but don't be hard on yourself if you don't stick to it 100% of the time. Remember the 80/20 rule. Stick to your goals 80% of the time and give yourself a 20% buffer!

Managing burnout and mental health holistically, from a mind, body and soul perspective can help to re-energise you and reverse the adverse feelings of burnout.

Here are some tips on how:

For Your Mind

Take time to journal or write down how you’re feeling and list what’s coming up. Getting what is in your head onto paper is therapeutic and helps to work through issues that may be plaguing your mind. Channelling your energy into a creative passion can also energise you and distract you from the mental chatter in your head. Finally speaking to a mental health professional such as a coach or therapist is beneficial in working through any mental challenges you might be facing.

For Your Body

Getting adequate sleep every night (7-8 hours), daily movement in the form of what is fun and invigorating for you and drinking at least 2 litres of water a day are sure ways to help move energy through your body, boost your endorphins and the feel-good hormones, and redirect attention away towards your body feeling GOOD.

For Your Soul

Give yourself time to connect with YOU. Meditation and breathwork are powerful in helping to manage burnout and calm the nervous system down. If you’re new to meditation, download an app like Calm or Headspace, or find a video on YouTube such as The Meditative Mind and follow a guided meditation. Meditation has been proven to lower stress levels and the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for feelings of flight or fight. Breathing, such as the box breath of breathing in for 4, holding for 5, and breathing out for 6, can help to regulate your body and stay focused on your meditation.

I hope this has helped you recognise the signs of social burnout and a social hangover, and given you valuable tips to help you to manage burnout or any adverse feelings you experience as a result of a social hangover.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and can’t manage, contact a coach, a mental health professional such as myself, or a therapist that can help you.


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