The ‘Coaching by Susanna’ Blog
Articles and tips to create the life and career you love - aligned to who you are!

Designing a Life and Career you Love Starts with Creating a Powerful Vision for your Life
Creating a clear vision for your life is one of the most powerful steps toward achieving your goals and fulfilling your deepest aspirations
Your vision serves as a guiding light, helping you make decisions, set priorities, and stay motivated during both the highs and lows of your journey.
The Art of Manifesting
To manifest you have to have a “Clear intention and an elevated emotion” - Dr Joe Dispenza
We hear a lot about manifesting and what it is but how do you actually go about it?
In this article I break down the steps towards manifesting so that you can apply this to something in your life.
When manifesting there are two clear steps, as outlined by Dr Joe Dispenza who is a neuroscientist, a quantum physicist and spiritual guru amongst other things.
You want to have a clean intention mixed with an elevated emotion. So what does this really mean in practical terms?
So let’s get clear on the steps.
*At the end of the article I also provide a free guide and worksheets to manifest your desires.

Make Aligned Life or Career Decisions Based on Your Values
You’ve probably seen values plastered all over corporate brochures and websites touting that their business runs on values. Mostly though they are generic values and are not embodied within the organisation. Some do this very well though!
And the ‘value’ (yes :)) of knowing your values and embodying them in your life is imperative to getting clarity about what you ‘value’ and using your values to make aligned decisions - in your job, relationships, the lifestyle you crave and more.
It’s changed my approach to making decisions and really thinking hard about what I value and whether that job opportunity or person I want to work with align to my values.