The Art of Manifesting

To manifest you have to have a “Clear intention and an elevated emotion” - Dr Joe Dispenza

We hear a lot about manifesting and what it is but how do you actually go about it?

In this article, I break down the steps towards manifesting so that you can apply this to something in your life.

*I also provide a free guide and worksheets that you can use to support your manifesting journey.

The Art of Manifesting

When manifesting there are two clear steps, as outlined by Dr Joe Dispenza who is a neuroscientist, a quantum physicist and spiritual guru amongst other things. A true genius!

He suggests that you want to have a clear intention, mixed with an elevated emotion. So what does this really mean in practical terms?

Let’s get clear on the steps.

Step 1: Clear Intention

Specificity is key. Getting really clear on what you want and why is the first step.

An ‘intention’ is a commitment to take a course of action or plan. Your goal or purpose can be an intention. They can be like stepping stones towards creating a path forward. Having clear intentions is imperative to paving the path forwards and knowing where you are heading.

It’s like when you get into your car, you typically know where you are going (ok sometimes you don’t and you go off course!) or you punch in your destination into your GPS.

In the same way with intentions, you need to be specific. First, WHAT is your intention? Describe it in detail. Secondly, and maybe more importantly WHY is it important to you? Get clear on your why. Is wanting a new home an intention because you want stability, comfort, and security or do you want to design your own home which is a dream of yours? If you’re wanting a relationship, why is that important to you? Because you want companionship, to share your love and desires with someone, or are you filling a void and you’re scared to be alone?

WHERE are you? WHOM are you with? What can you SEE? What can you SMELL?

Step 2: Elevated emotion

The second and most crucial step is having an elevated emotion. Meaning you need to FEEL the emotions associated with what you want. Do you want to feel joy, happiness, confidence, clear, sexy, fulfilled, or elated… the list goes on.

This means we want to get clear on how you want to feel and then practice FEELING that emotion; through meditation, self-awareness and continually connecting with that feeling.

The more you practice… the better - and faster it’ll come into your reality.

I also like to include the following steps to support the manifesting process:

- Create a sacred space for manifesting

- Set aside time to practice your intentions and feeling into the emotions. The best times are first thing in the morning and last thing at night before you fall asleep, as this is when you are most susceptible to reprogramming your subconscious

- Be present in the NOW

- Surrender - let go of any expectations and ‘how’ it will happen

- Trust the universe

Remember to have fun with this. Creating your life should be ‘fun’ and enjoyable.

You can download my free manifesting and intention-setting worksheets here.

The full journal is now available for purchase via (digital download).

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